IndiaFirst Life Insurance
IndiaFirst originated as a joint between India’s two large public sector banks – Bank of Baroda and Andhra Bank and UK’s leading financial and investment company Legal & General. The MoU between the partners was signed in New Delhi on 16th November, 2007, in the presence of all the promoter companies . The joint venture company was known as ‘Baroda L&G Life Insurance – In partnership with Andhra Bank’.
IndiaFirst received our final R3 approval from the IRDA on 5th November, 2009 and got our first product approval on 9th November, 2009. On the same day, they launched their new corporate identity at a press conference in Mumbai in the midst of our shareholder, start up employees and media.
The newly formed company, IndiaFirst Life Insurance started its operations through a soft launch across 3028 branches of its promoter bank – Bank of Baroda on 16th November, 2009. In one of the fastest run-ups, the company was able to activate 3237 of Bank of Baroda and 1569 of Andhra Bank branches before the end of the calendar year 2009.
Saving Products - Currently available products to purchase.
- Smart Save Plan : IndiaFirst Smart Save Plan is a unit linked savings plan that offers you an insurance cover on your life and additionally helps you grow and develop a body of wealth through market linked investments. The plan helps you save systematically and provides you different options to invest your savings in funds, on the basis of your risk appetite. The life cover promises the sum assured in case of the life assured’s unfortunate demise.
With IndiaFirst Smart Save Plan, you can afford to dream... - Young India Plan: IndiaFirst Young India Plan is a unit linked savings plan that offers you an insurance cover on your life and additionally helps you to grow your money through market linked instruments. This ensures that your family receives financial support as planned by you, even in your absence.
The plan helps you give your loved ones everything that you have dream of... - Health + Wealth: IndiaFirst Money Back Health Insurance plan provides you both: A very wide, comprehensive health insurance cover for you and your family; and also an excellent investment opportunity to systematically save and earn market returns building a pool of money which you may need for anything including health care.
- Life Plan: IndiaFirst Life Plan is a protection plan which offers an insurance cover on your life. It is a pure term insurance plan that ensures that your loved ones are taken care of, even in your absence. It provides you the benefits of a life cover for a period of up to 30 years at a reasonable price.
- Anytime Plan: In this fast paced world, we need to find the easiest and smartest way to meet our needs. With the IndiaFirst Anytime Plan, getting a life cover is just a few clicks away. IndiaFirst Anytime Plan is an online pure term insurance plan that ensures that your loved ones are taken care of, even in your absence. It provides you the benefits of a life cover for a period of up to 30 years at a reasonable price anytime and anywhere by directly logging into the IndiaFirst Life Store.
- Simple Life Plan: IndiaFirst Simple Life Plan is a pure term insurance plan that ensures that your loved ones are taken care of, even in your absence. It provides you the benefits of a life cover for a period of 5 or 10 years at a reasonable price. There are three fixed life cover options available under this plan. You may choose a sum assured between Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000 and Rs.50,000 depending on your requirement. This is a single premium plan, involving a one-time payment only.
Contact Information:
Registered Office:
Reg. Off: Baroda Corporate Centre,
C-26, G-Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051.
IRDA Regd. No. 143
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Toll-free number: 1800 209 8700
Aviva Life Insurance Next→ |

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