What is Life Insurance? |
Life insurance or life assurance is a contract between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individual's or individuals' death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical illness. In return, the policy owner agrees to pay a stipulated amount (at regular intervals or in lump sums). There may be designs in some countries where bills and death expenses plus catering for after funeral expenses should be included in Policy Premium. In the United States, the predominant form simply specifies a lump sum to be paid on the insured's demise and it is same policy adopted by Indian Insurance Companies as well. The value for the policyholder is derived, not from an actual claim event, rather it is the value derived from the 'peace of mind' experienced by the policyholder, due to the negating of adverse financial consequences caused by the death of the Life Assured. |
Life policies are legal contracts and the terms of the contract describe the limitations of the insured events. Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; for example claims relating to suicide, fraud, war, riot and civil commotion.
In today's world, human life is exposed to multiple risks of death and disability. These risks may arise due to natural or accidental causes. Obviously at the end of any mishap or disaster if the main bread winner of the family suffers a temporary or permanent disability, the family has to undergo a lot of hardship. while source of income dries up, expenses never cease to surprise you in one or the other form be it in terms of medical bills or the school fees for your children! Sometimes, the survival of individual or family itself is at stake. Risks are unpredictable. Death/disability may occur when one least expects it. An individual can protect himself or herself against such contingencies through life insurance.
Life insurance is insurance on human beings. Though Human life cannot be valued, a monetary sum could be determined which is based on loss of income in future years. Hence in life insurance, the Sum Assured (or the amount guaranteed to be paid in the event of a loss) is by way of a ‘benefit’ in the case of life insurance. Life insurance products provide a definite amount of money to the dependants of the insured in case the life insured dies during his active income earning period or becomes disabled on account of an accident causing reduction/complete loss in his income earnings.
- An individual can also protect his old age when he ceases to earn and has no other means of income – by purchasing an annuity product.
- There are a number of life insurance products which offer protection and also coupled with savings.
- A term insurance product provides a fixed amount of money on death during the period of contract.
- A whole life insurance product provides a fixed amount of money on death.
- An Endowment Assurance product provided a fixed amount of money either on death during the period of contract or at the expiry of contract if life assured is alive.
- A money back assurance product provides not only fixed amounts which are payable on specified dates during the period of contract, but also the full amount of money assured on death during the period of contract.
- An annuity product provides a series of monthly payments on stipulated dates provided that the life assured is alive on the stipulated dates.
- A linked product provides not only a fixed amount of money on death but also sums of money which are linked with the underlying value of assets on the desired dates.
There are a variety of life insurance products to suit to the needs of various categories of people: children, youth, women, middle-aged persons, old people; and also rural people, film actors and unorganized labourers.
Life insurance products could be purchased from registered life insurers notified by the IRDA. Insurers appoint insurance agents to sell their products. Public who are interested to buy life insurance products should receive proper advice from insurance agents/insurer so that a right product could be chosen to suit particular financial needs.
Thus life insurance policies offer protection and security to families and provide happiness to society.
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