Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co. Ltd.
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co. Ltd. (previously known as Apollo DKV Insurance Co. Ltd) is a joint venture company promoted by The Apollo Hospitals Group and Munich Health, Munich Re’s newest business segment. The Product offerings include health, personal accident and travel insurance plans for individual as well as families. For groups and corporate sector, Apollo Munich offers Group health, personal accident and travel insurance plans which are customizable as per the insurance need of a particular group.
Apollo Munich, a specialized health insurance company in India, has proficiency in both health and insurance and uses this comprehension for the benefit of its clients and has emerged from the partners that are expert in both health and insurance. We know healthcare. We know insurance.
The Apollo Group of Hospitals
Asia’s largest integrated healthcare provider, the Apollo Hospitals Group has an extensive medical service with over 8065 beds across 46 hospitals in India and abroad. In addition to it, there is a long chain of medical BPO, Apollo Pharmacies, Clinical research division and health insurance services.
Munich Health
Munich Health, a newest business segment of Munich Re’s , draws on its insurance and reinsurance proficiency with over 5,000 employees and customers in more than 40 countries. Munich Re stands for consistent risk management, exceptional solution-based expertise, client proximity and financial stability. In this way, Munich Re creates value for shareholders, customers, and staff. In the financial year 2008, this insurance and reinsurance Group reached a profit of €1.5bn on premium revenue of around €38bn. It functions in all lines of insurance, with around 44,000 employees all across the world.
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Policies and Products (Quick Apply)
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co. Ltd has the following options in healthcare insurance products for the benefit of Indian consumers namely:
These products are available on individual basis as well as floater policy. To know more about the plans click 'Compare Apollo Munich Health Insurance Plans'
Download Forms for Apollo Munich [New Rates Announced Effective May 1st 2011]
Registered Office:
Apollo Hospitals Complex,
Jubilee Hills,
IRDA Registration No. 131
website: www.apollomunichinsurance.com
Toll Free Number: 1800 103 0555
Phone: +91-124-4584333
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