Necessity of health insurance?
It is actually becoming very important in day today life. It helps us to know how aware is the person towards his health and how much does he/she care about their family members.
What is insurance? Protection against the "harm or loss caused due to loss of life or any other thing. If the insurance is related to life it is called "LIFE INSURANCE" whereas any other insurance lie under the category of "GENERAL INSURANCE".
Mediclaim falls under the category of General Insurance which means that to keep the medical insurance in force the premium has to be paid yearly.
There are various insurance companies in the market which provide the facility of health insurance according to the requirement of an individual. One can choose from the wide range of medical policies offered by various companies in the market. Most of the financial institutions offer accidental insurance and various other insurance such as insurance for critical illness
When they lend money to borrower. What is the purpose of it?
The basic idea behind it is that they want to make the lended money safe. Unfortunately if any thing goes wrong with the borrower the lender can claim their money from the insurer i.e the insurance company. So the basic purpose of eMediclaim portal is to help and assist you to understand the importance of medical insurance in your life, as well as for your beloved one's.
Mediclaim minimizes the risk of getting stressed during the period of illness. It gives you peace of mind wherein you donot have to worry about the about the huge medical bills. So if a financial institution can protect there money by insuring the person why can't we do it on our own?
Any more questions? Please reach us on we will be happy to assit you on it!!
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