Why Diabetes Care?
No one knows when illness is going to strike them. By insuring, you save yourself from unexpected expenses that you may incur at some stage! eMediclaim.com is designed for the people who might face financial difficulties when they are ill and cannot afford huge medical bills. Diabetes Care is a unique critical illness insurance policy for Type 2 diabetics and pre-diabetics. Diabetes Care not only provides financial support but also helps you manage your condition more effectively. It has been found that people who are working and very busy in day today life do not get time to take care of their health which is very important. |
Why Diabetes Care?
Diabetes Care is a unique critical illness insurance policy for Type 2 diabetics and pre-diabetics. Diabetes Care not only provides financial support but also helps you manage your condition more effectively It is offered by ICICI for Diabetic patients in India.
Key Benefits of Diabetes Care
- Lump-sum payment on diagnosis of any one of the six critical illnesses
- Optional cover for eye & foot complications
- Wellness program - 3 Free check-ups and a consultation with a doctor every year
- Reduced Premium on display of good control
- Tie-ups with leading healthcare partners to help you Manage diabetes
- Web support for better diabetes control
- Tax benefit under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act
The lump-sum amount is paid on diagnosis, irrespective of your expenses. We don't require any medical bills and you can use the benefit amount to meet cost of treatment and any other concomitant expenses.
Diabetes Care: UIN 105N064V01
Diabetes Enhanced Benefit Rider: UIN 105B021V01

Want to know more or need assistance to select the best policy for your needs, fill up a simple form with QUICK APPLY and we shall revert to you with the best options available from the market!!!
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